We are firm believers that fragrance is an essential part of one’s beauty routine and should be included in the way one creates an identity for themself. There are many beautiful fragrances on the market that speak to the mood you're in or the part of your personality you'd like to highlight. While we don't think that natural is necessarily above non-natural fragrance, we do think that for those with sensitivities, it's important to be aware of how many synthetic fragrances you may be consuming on a daily basis. 

Typically, most perfumes consist mainly of alcohol, floral & plant extracts, as well as some synthetic fragrances and additives. For many consumers, these synthetic fragrances won’t irritate the skin. However, there are some who do have more extreme and complex sensitivities or health concerns and these ingredients may cause reactions, be too harsh for their skin and noses, or even cause hormonal disruptions. It’s important to understand that when you see the word fragrance listed on any cosmetic label, this is an umbrella term for a wide-range of ingredients. When the term “fragrance” is listed, this means that the final product includes synthetic fragrances that are not naturally derived from plants. 

Have you ever entered a store and tried on some perfumes, only to find yourself unexplainably itchy a few hours later? In reality, many perfumes contain chemicals that are not necessarily used for scent, but to protect the appearance and longevity of the fragrance. These ingredients might be added to avoid having the perfume change colour, for example. If you are using perfumes that contain synthetic fragrances, make sure to figure out whether these perfumes are DEP and phthalate-free. These ingredients are added to ensure that the formulas better “stick” to the skin and in turn help the fragrance last longer. After speaking with some consumers about fragrance and how they determine quality, we were intrigued to discover that many considered a perfume lasting longer on the skin as a deciding factor on whether or not they purchased the fragrance or regarded it as being high quality. Keep in mind that a fragrance lasting for hours to days on the skin does not necessarily speak to the quality of the ingredients, but more so to the additives that may have been used when creating the formula. 

While, it’s important to do your own research and figure out what works best for you and your needs, we think that knowing what you put on your skin and the impact of these ingredients on your overall health is very important. Think about how many synthetic fragrances are a part of your life on a daily-basis. This could include cleaning supplies, air fresheners, makeup, cosmetics, etc. While we aren’t suggesting that one way is the correct way, we do believe in awareness and full-disclosure. We believe that while we can’t always avoid synthetic fragrances in the products we use, if we have the choice, it’s always a good idea to try and find non-toxic and natural alternatives. 

Every single ingredient that goes into our fragrances are carefully chosen, natural, plant-based and diluted so that they are gentle enough for sensitive skin or noses. While it's true that you may have to re-apply a natural fragrance more often than it's counterpart, we love that the result is intimate and not overwhelming for crowded areas or the workplace. Like a second skin, only those who come into close contact with you are able to take note of your scent, and that is what makes the experience of wearing natural fragrance so special.